
I want you to take a moment to think about the vest. British friends, I don't mean a tank top, I mean a proper vest. It's not a jacket, it's not a shirt, and unless it's made of kevlar material, part of a military uniform, or stuck full of fishing lures- it's utterly useless. My friend Quinn and I believed vests, a staple of 90's sitcoms and yearbookyourself photos, would never appear again in the wild.

We were wrong.

Here's how it all began:

So we decided to first look at the vests available out there for people to buy. Then we decided to take it a step further and document all vests we saw on the streets, in the club, your local Teabagger parties, and any other place a garish vest could be found.

We're just two people- we can't do this alone. If you see vest in public, take a picture, send it to us, and we'll take a look to make sure it's amazing enough to be a part of TheVestNightEver.

It's that easy.

-Kim & Quinn