
Oh die Schande. Wie viel Bier und Wurst muss ich verbrauchen, damit dieses appelliert?

"Oh the shame. How much beer and sausage do I have to consume for this to be appealing?"

Hiding in the Scrap Pile

Etsy it a truly magical place where you can find anything. Anything at all.

This is serious camouflage, and for a mere $225.00, it can be yours. I'm not sure what'd you'd be blending in with, exactly- but ladies, you're sure to attract a certain kind of man.

I'm a big fan of regretsy, and while this little number may never grace H.Killer's pages, it's more than amazing enough for IWTVNE.

Find the vests!

You'll have to look close to find the two (or more) vests in this photo. Happy hunting, friends. Think of it like a safari. But in your living room, bed, office, toilet, wherever you find yourself reading our blog.

There will be bonus points for more vests in pictures, especially vests in the wild.


Let's hope his bride doesn't have a matching gown.


I want you to take a moment to think about the vest. British friends, I don't mean a tank top, I mean a proper vest. It's not a jacket, it's not a shirt, and unless it's made of kevlar material, part of a military uniform, or stuck full of fishing lures- it's utterly useless. My friend Quinn and I believed vests, a staple of 90's sitcoms and yearbookyourself photos, would never appear again in the wild.

We were wrong.

Here's how it all began:

So we decided to first look at the vests available out there for people to buy. Then we decided to take it a step further and document all vests we saw on the streets, in the club, your local Teabagger parties, and any other place a garish vest could be found.

We're just two people- we can't do this alone. If you see vest in public, take a picture, send it to us, and we'll take a look to make sure it's amazing enough to be a part of TheVestNightEver.

It's that easy.

-Kim & Quinn